
Our Mission

Develop and grow the black community through generational leadership, partnering and supporting black owned, run, and operated businesses/nonprofits, and strengthening Black families.

Our Vision

A community where black Leadership and black voices have direct influences throughout the city.

Our Values
  • Connecting: Building opportunities that connect families, foster community engagement, and celebrate our culture.
  • Equipping: Facilitate training based on the needs of the community.
  • Developing: Develop Salem Black leaders.
  • Enhancing: Enhance Salem Black-owned Businesses.
  • Sustaining: Sustaining Salem Black Initiatives for generations.

The Be BLAC Pillars

  • Business Development: Supporting new and existing Black-owned businesses through community, support, education, and capacity building.
  • Youth/Education Development: Engaging and developing the next generation of leaders and plugging them into opportunities in our city.
  • Community Network: Organizing BE BLAC community gatherings and the hub for black-initiated community events.
  • community


Check out our Team

Greggery Peterson

Executive Director

Ray White

Board President

Cynthia Richardson

Board Vice President

Jessica Peterson

Board Secretary

Jeremiah James

Board Treasurer

Ashley Dunn

Board Member

Joanna Kindell

Board Member

Ronnie Brooks

Board Member

Mike White

Board Member

Quandray Robinson

Board Member


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